Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Studio One Vol 2

I just realised that this could be my last mix of the decade!.. I had to come again with some more studio one, as the last night of the year approaches I wanted to celebrate it with you in style!

Since having (The hard Drive melt down..Shh We dont talk about that) Ive got music all over the place.. disks, memory sticks, Cds, And of course Vinyl. im still trying to recover and collect everything back into some order...A very Boring lengthy process... But im getting there...slowly. And, I should add, I think I would rather gouge out my eyes with spoons if i ever had to be an administrator..Big props to all the people who do that for a living.... Im a more creative type by nature. An excuse i like to use to describe my own way of organisation.

I made this early this morning, after putting on my lamb curry, (Slow Cooker) i think the smells from the kitched helped.. Im smiling to myself because you should see me sometimes..You might be tempted to call the people in white coats!.. A Legend on top of my own Duvet!...Honestly.. :P
Enjoy And Rock your body to this one..much love till next time..xx Full Track Listing In Comments.......

Download Link:

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Just Reggae Vibrations (Dreaming of The Sun Mix)

ooh Its been so cold!... Snow, Rain, Sleet, Wind and Sun...but so cold!...So reggae music is on the menu to warm the cockles of your hearts n minds this day.... (That's me in the hammock!)

It feels like ages since i posted up some good reggae music. i can describe this mix like slow cooked food...Gently bubbling. My Mama recently bought me a slow cooker. It has changed my life! I put food on in the morning and by the evening comes its ready...wonderful. It seems to concentrate all the flavors. I must recommend. (Uk Peeps..10 pounds in Tesco!!!

Some very massive artists and some newer ones. I hope you enjoy my latest compilation... Full track listing in comments....

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a fantastic 2010....Happy New Year..and lets bring on some heat so play this really loud!

Download Link:

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Merry Giftmas!

Happy Holidays...

A winter selection for you to digest over your winter celebrations, what ever your doing.. I would like to wish you health happiness and peace......much love..xx

Download Link:

Friday, 11 December 2009

Soul For Lovers (Just Jamz Selection)

Calling all my lovers, ive got a really nice mix for you today.. Imagine with me for a moment, A cozy room, low lighting, perhaps a real fireplace... I have always wanted to have a real fire, something so homely about the sound of the flames flickering and the way it moves is memorizing...

This is where i went in my mind as i made this compilation... I dont really drink alcohol any more but occasionally i will have a glass of wine...Truth is im a total lush and get tipsy quite So perhaps you have a glass of something or for my Green herbal friends perhaps you holding something else..

Either way, Enjoy.. ( my play list in the comments section)

Download Link:

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Just Vibes...

The season here in London is finally in full swing of Grey...Cold...Damp...and my favourite Rainy..(Not!).. So i find my musical taste tends to change a little bit this time of the year. I actually really dislike the winter time. I would prefer to hibernate till spring, or go live in a warmer climate till at least the beginning of May.. If you consider it, it makes perfect sense as nature itself seems to shut down for the winter time till the spring, when it explodes back into life again...So why not people?...

Its also the time of the year for snuggle blankets, big bowls of homemade soup, thick woolly jumpers, and other nice things like hot coco or milo...Recently found a mint chocolate drink that is soooo yummy, or 'munch' as my youngest says. I have fond memories of going home after school as a child and walking into the warmth, and smells of my mums stews...Now my own children come in Damp and cold to that, I like to see there faces and the noises they make when they take the lid of the cooking pot...
I spoke to my Dad this morning, he was complaining about the cold and the layers of clothes he had on. I told him I was just making some stew like my grandmother used to make..He says...'oh you made my mouth water, im going to ask mum to make some now'

So this mix really is reflecting my mood and im just vibin with my beats.. so Grab your coco, or even better home made soup, snuggle blanket and vibe on the sofa with me today.. Enjoy!!

Much love. xx (Track list in Comments)

Download link:

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